Simply select the tours you wish to attend from your passport book, or view them all below. You’ll receive a reward for every tour completed, up to the first three, plus you’ll gain entry into the Grand Prize drawing if you complete three. You will receive an email confirmation for each tour you select, and your CEB rep will be in touch to schedule the session.

Deliver dependable, timely legal advice with Practitioner’s streamlined workflows. Written by California judges and leading practitioners, Practitioner gives you the broader context of your legal matter so you can confidently plan your course of action.  

CEB’s practice guides deliver authoritative content and expert guidance from 1400+ experienced California lawyers and judges. Rely on these resources for a quick and dependable starting point for your legal research.

Quickly access California, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and U.S. Supreme Court case law, as well as California statutes and the California Constitution, with OnLAW® Pro. Zero in fast on precisely what you need when you use its best-in-class legal search to find the most relevant content.

CEB’s MCLE courses comprise a wealth of training for savvy practitioners who are ready to invest in their own development. Lawyers can easily select relevant coursework to deepen and hone their knowledge of California-specific law and quickly come up to speed on new practice areas, all while meeting their mandatory CLE requirements.

You can choose multiple tours at a time! Just select the tours you want to explore on the form!